Novel strategies to fight child sexual exploitation and human trafficking crimes and protect their victims 2021m. – 2024m. (HEROES)


Novel strategies to fight child sexual exploitation and human trafficking crimes and protect their victims

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and
innovation programme under grant agreement No 101021801
Starting Date: 01/12/2021
Duration: 36 months
Call Identifier: H2020-SU-SEC-2020

The number of people, including children, falling victim to human trafficking and child sexual abuse and exploitation (CSA/CSE) around the world continues to grow, despite increased international attention and resources.

In Europe, sexually exploited women and girls make up the majority of human trafficking victims.

Moreover, assistance to victims is often limited by the lack of coordination among stakeholders.

In this context, the EU-funded HEROES project will explore how to use the latest technological advances and new strategies to prevent and combat CSA/CSE and human trafficking, invest crimes, and better protect victims.

It will develop an ambitious, interdisciplinary, international, and victim-centered approach.

Its aim is to establish a coordinated contribution with law enforcement agencies to address the specific needs of victims and provide protection.

EU contribution: € 4,999,500 ( LT received € 108,960)

The HEROES consortium consists of 27 partners located in:

11 European Union countries:

1 Associated country:

5 Third countries:

The consortium is made up of partners with diverse affiliations:

5 Universities:

2 small and medium enterprises:

3 research and technology organizations:

7 Law Enforcement Agencies:

1 International Organization:

8 Non-governmental organizations:

1 Government Organization:

The HEROES’ consortium combines the expertise of psychologists, sociologists, lawyers, social workers, health workers, computer developers and experts in computer security and forensics, from all over the world with one goal: to fight against the crimes and help victims of human trafficking and child sexual abuse.


Crime Investigation

  1. To analyze the possible involvement of organized crime groups implicated in THB and CSA/CSE in other crimes; to develop new approaches to investigate the trafficking of human beings and CSA/CSE crimes.
  2. To address new threats of child abuse and coercion and extortion of victims that have escalated in the last years.
  3. To provide Law Enforcement Agents with effective means to detect, investigate and bring down open and hidden peer-to-peer networks and websites.

Victim Assistance

  1. To develop a set of holistic measures to ensure adequate THB and CSA/CSE victims’ protection and assistance.
  2. To develop new approaches to investigate the trafficking of human beings and CSA/CSE crimes.
  3. To develop new approaches to mitigate the impact on victims of THB and CSA/CSE and to reduce re-victimization in the short and long term.


  1. To provide a variety of preventive measures to reduce THB and CSA/CSE crimes.
  2. To reduce the demand for services that may be provided by victims in both legal and illegal sectors.
  3. To reduce the risk of (re-)offending by better understanding the behavior of abusers and potential abusers.


First on-site consortium meeting

30th June - 1st July 2022, Madrid

First on-line consortium meeting

15 - 16 December 2021

HEROES Promotional Video

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